10 weeks with Jesus

The story of the first Christians – The book of Acts

Bible reading plan



Week 1

Reading 1   Acts 1:1-11 | Jesus ascends to heaven

Reading 2   Acts 1:12-2:13 | Waiting for the Holy Spirit

Reading 3   Acts 2:14-36 | Peter’s Spirit-led sermon

Reading 4   Acts 2:37-47 | 3000 people accept Jesus  

Reading 5   Acts 3 | Peter heals a beggar


Week 2

Reading 6   Acts 4:1-22 | Peter and John questioned

Reading 7   Acts 4:23-37| Prayer for boldness

Reading 8   Acts 5:1-16 | Amazing and terrifying miracles

Reading 9   Acts 5:17-42 | A miraculous prison escape

Reading 10   Acts 6 | The challenges of a growing church



Reading 11   Acts 7:1-29 | Stephen’s speech part 1

Reading 12   Acts 7:30-53 | Stephen’s speech part 2

Reading 13   Acts 7:54-8:4 | Stephen is killed

Reading 14   Acts 8:5-25 | Philip in Samaria

Reading 15   Acts 8:26-40 | An Ethiopian discovers Jesus



Reading 16   Acts 9:1-19 | Saul’s conversion

Reading 17   Acts 9:20-31 | Saul preaches about Jesus

Reading 18   Acts 9:32-43 | A healing and a resurrection

Reading 19   Acts 10:1-23 | Peter’s vision

Reading 20   Acts 10:24-48 | Peter at Cornelius’ house



Reading 21   Acts 11:1-18 | Peter defends his actions

Reading 22   Acts 11:19-30 | The first “Christians”

Reading 23   Acts 12 | Another miraculous prison escape

Reading 24   Acts 13:1-12 | Paul’s 1st missionary journey begins

Reading 25   Acts 13:13-43 | Paul preaches boldly



Reading 26   Acts 13:44-14:7 | Paul is opposed

Reading 27   Acts 14:8-28 | Paul is worshiped and then stoned

Reading 28   Acts 15:1-21 | Wrestling with theological challenges

Reading 29   Acts 15:22-41 | Unity and division

Reading 30   Acts 16:1-15 | Paul’s 2nd missionary journey begins



Reading 31   Acts 16:16-40 | Paul in prison in Philippi

Reading 32   Acts 17:1-15 | Persecution follows Paul

Reading 33   Acts 17:16-34 | Paul and the philosophers in Athens

Reading 34   Acts 18:1-22 | Paul protected in Corinth

Reading 35   Acts 18:23-19:22 | Paul’s 3rd missionary journey begins



Reading 36   Acts 19:23-41 | A great riot in Ephesus

Reading 37   Acts 20:1-12 | Paul preaches too long in Troas

Reading 38   Acts 20:13-38 | Paul farewells the elders in Ephesus

Reading 39   Acts 21:1-19 | Paul’s journey back to Jerusalem

Reading 40   Acts 21:20-40 | Paul is arrested



Reading 41   Acts 22:1-29| Paul shares his testimony

Reading 42   Acts 22:30-23:11 | Jesus encourages Paul

Reading 43   Acts 23:12-35 | A plot to kill Paul

Reading 44   Acts 24 | Paul before Felix

Reading 45   Acts 25| Paul before Festus



Reading 46   Acts 26 | Paul before Agrippa

Reading 47   Acts 27:1-20 | The never-ending storm

Reading 48   Acts 27:21-44 | Shipwrecked

Reading 49   Acts 28:1-16 | On the island of Malta

Reading 50   Acts 28:17-31 | Paul in Rome