
Big Question:

What does the Bible teach about baptism?



We love to celebrate important life events. When people get married, we have a wedding. When someone has a birthday, we have a party. When someone finishes university, we have a graduation. All of these are ways that we acknowledge that something significant has taken place. Baptism is one of these events and it marks the most important decision that someone can make – the decision to be a follower of Jesus.

Discuss: What has been your experience with baptism?


Exploring the Scriptures

The meaning of baptism

Matthew 28:18-20 | Baptism is about being a disciple of Jesus.

Acts 2:38 | Baptism is about repentance.

Acts 22:16 | Baptism is about forgiveness.

Romans 6:3-4 | Baptism is about Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection.

Mark 1:9-11 | Baptism is about being a child of God.


Common questions about baptism

Do people have to be baptised to be saved? | Acts 2:38; John 3:16; Luke 23:33, 39-43

How old should someone be before being baptised? | (Acts 2:38) Luke 2:41-50

Note: Baptism is an external way of showing an inward decision to follow Jesus.

Should someone be fully immersed when they are baptised? | John 3:23; Mark 1:10; Acts 8:36-39

Note: Only immersion symbolises a death, burial, and resurrection.

Should someone expect to still make mistakes after being baptised? | John 3:3, Philippians 1:6


The Gift of Jesus

Throughout this series of Bible guides we have been unpacking the gift of Jesus. We’ve looked at all the abundant blessings that are ours because of his life, death, and resurrection. Baptism is about responding to this overwhelming generosity. It’s a tangible way for us to celebrate what Jesus has done for us and to mark our decision to follow him.


Living It

Discuss: How would you summarise the significance of baptism in your own words?

Decide: The decision to follow Jesus is the most eternally significant decision a person can make.

Would you like to mark your decision to follow Jesus by being baptised?