Feasts and Feet

Big Question:


What is the significance of Jesus’ last meal with his disciples? 



Question: Share an important memory from your life that involved food.

Food is at the heart of culture. Whether it be a family meal, a first date, Christmas lunch, or wedding celebration, we love to come together around food. Throughout Jesus’ life we also see him making memories around food. In this guide we’ll be looking at Jesus’ last meal that he shared with his disciples before his death and unpacking the significance it has for us today.



Exploring the Scriptures

Exodus 12:3-14 | The story of the Passover. How does this story point forward to Jesus?

Note: This story comes at the end of the plagues God sent upon Egypt (blood, frogs, gnats, flies, livestock, boils, hail, locusts, darkness, and finally death of the firstborn). 

The Passover – God then asked them to celebrate the Passover every year in memory of this event. On a certain day each year they would all come to Jerusalem, eat a special meal of lamb and unleavened bread, and then celebrate together for a week.

Matthew 26:17-30 | Jesus’ last Passover meal with his disciples.

1 Corinthians 11:23-26 | How does the bread and grape juice symbolise Jesus?

Past: We reflect on what Jesus has done for us on the cross.

Present: We reaffirm our acceptance of Jesus’ salvation made available by the cross.

Future: We look forward to the coming of Jesus and being with him again.

John 13:2-15 (Luke 22:24) | A new symbolic element: foot washing. What might this represent?



The Gift of Jesus

As followers of Jesus, we are to keep fresh in our minds the gift of Jesus. This is the reason why Jesus gave us this special meal. It reminds us of the importance of service. It helps us remember what he did for us upon the cross. And it looks forward to the day when we’ll eat together with Jesus in the future.



Living It

Discuss: How often should we have “communion” today?

Discuss: Why do you think God asks us to act things out instead of just talking about it?   

Decide: Would you like to join us the next time we celebrate communion together