10 weeks with Jesus

The story of Jesus as told by Matthew

Bible reading plan


Week 1

Reading 1   Matthew 1 | The birth of Jesus

Reading 2   Matthew 2:1-12 | The magi visit Jesus

Reading 3   Matthew 2:13-23 | Jesus escapes to Egypt

Reading 4   Matthew 3 | Jesus is baptised

Reading 5   Matthew 4:1-11 | Temptation in the wilderness

Week 2

Reading 6   Matthew 4:12-25 | Jesus begins his ministry

Reading 7   Matthew 5:1-16 | Sermon on the mount part 1

Reading 8   Matthew 5:17-48 | Sermon on the mount part 2

Reading 9   Matthew 6:1-18 | Sermon on the mount part 3

Reading 10   Matthew 6:19-34 | Sermon on the mount part 4


Reading 11   Matthew 7:1-12 | Sermon on the mount part 5

Reading 12   Matthew 7:13-29 | Sermon on the mount part 6

Reading 13   Matthew 8:1-17 | Jesus heals many people

Reading 14   Matthew 8:18-34 | Jesus calms two storms

Reading 15   Matthew 9:1-17 | Jesus the friend of sinners


Reading 16   Matthew 9:18-38 | Jesus has compassion on the crowds

Reading 17   Matthew 10:1-20 | Jesus sends out the twelve disciples part 1

Reading 18   Matthew 10:21-42 | Jesus sends out the twelve disciples part 2

Reading 19   Matthew 11 | John sends messengers to Jesus

Reading 20   Matthew 12:1-21 | Jesus and the Sabbath


Reading 21   Matthew 12:22-50 | Jesus faces opposition

Reading 22   Matthew 13:1-23 | The parable of the sower

Reading 23   Matthew 13:24-43 | The parable of the weeds

Reading 24   Matthew 13:44-58 | Short parables about the kingdom of heaven

Reading 25   Matthew 14 | Jesus feeds a crowd and walks on water


Reading 26   Matthew 15:1-20 | Jesus challenges traditions

Reading 27   Matthew 15:21-39 | Jesus performs miracles for unexpected people

Reading 28   Matthew 16 | Peter gets it right and gets it wrong

Reading 29   Matthew 17 | Jesus shines like the sun

Reading 30   Matthew 18:1-20 | Jesus and children


Reading 31   Matthew 18:21-35 | The parable of the big debt and the little debt

Reading 32   Matthew 19:1-15 | Jesus is asked tricky questions

Reading 33   Matthew 19:16-30 | Jesus and the rich man

Reading 34   Matthew 20:1-16 | The parable of the workers

Reading 35   Matthew 20:17-34 | Jesus asks “What do you want?”


Reading 36   Matthew 21:1-27 | Jesus arrives in Jerusalem

Reading 37   Matthew 21:28-46 | Parables about the religious leaders

Reading 38   Matthew 22:1-22 | Parable of the wedding banquet

Reading 39   Matthew 22:23-46 | The most important commandment

Reading 40   Matthew 23 | Jesus confronts the religious leaders


Reading 41   Matthew 24:1-31 | Jesus teaches about the second coming part 1

Reading 42   Matthew 24:32-51 | Jesus teaches about the second coming part 2

Reading 43   Matthew 25:1-30 | Jesus teaches about the second coming part 3

Reading 44   Matthew 25:31-46 | Jesus teaches about the second coming part 4

Reading 45   Matthew 26:1-30 | The final lead up to the cross


Reading 46   Matthew 26:31-56 | Jesus is arrested

Reading 47   Matthew 26:57-75 | Jesus on trial before the Jewish leaders

Reading 48   Matthew 27:1-31 | Jesus on trial before the Roman leaders

Reading 49   Matthew 27:32-66 | Jesus is crucified

Reading 50   Matthew 28 | The resurrection of Jesus