
The Jesus Gift

Is for you and for you to share with others


I created this website with the hope that it will help people experience the joy of sharing Jesus with others. Back when I was nineteen, I remember taking one of my first Bible studies. It was nerve-wracking and exhilarating all at the same time! It wasn’t the best put together study, and I probably did my fair share of fumbling, but God showed up big time! There were tears (good ones), there was an astounding sense that God was in the room, and there were decisions made for Jesus. So good! Later that evening, after the “spiritual shock and awe” was calming down, I remember walking outside, looking up to the sky, and saying to God, “Whatever I end up doing in life, I want it to involve more of that!” 


Today, I work as a Seventh-day Adventist pastor in Melbourne, Australia and my passion continues to be sharing Jesus and the Bible with others. The study guides you’ll find on this site are the one’s I personally have developed and use in my ministry. They are free to use online and can be downloaded, printed and distributed as you want. You are also encouraged to improve and adapt them. My prayer is that this resource will be a blessing to you and your friends, and that it will lead to many new people discovering the awesome gift that we have been given in Jesus. 


Jared Smith