The God Man

Big Question:

Who is Jesus?



Two thousand years ago, an angel appeared to Joseph with the promise that his fiancé would have a son named Jesus. When Matthew tells the story, he explains that this son would be the fulfilment of an ancient prophecy which foretold: “”The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel” (which means “God with us”)” (Matthew 1:20-23). But why would Jesus be called “God with us”? The easiest answer is that he taught people about a God who loves them and desires to be “with” them, and this he did. But it’s so much more than that. As the story of Jesus unfolds, a much more profound answer will emerge. 


Exploring the Scriptures

Exodus 3:13-14; Deuteronomy 4:39; 6:4 | A picture of God from the Old Testament.

Mark 2:3-12; 4:35-59 | People struggled with Jesus because as a man he did God-like things.

John 8:12, 23, 42, 56-59; 20:24-29 | It took a long time for people to grasp that Jesus is God.

Acts 5:1-4; Matthew 28:19; (Ephesians 4:30) | Is the Holy Spirit God as well?

Genesis 2:24; John 17:11 | How can God be both three and one at the same time?

Genesis 1:1-2; John 1:1-3 (Genesis 1:26-27) | Who created the world and us?


The Gift of Jesus

Jesus is called Immanuel because Jesus is “God with us”. And this transforms the whole story! When we read about baby Jesus lying in the manger, that’s God! When we read about Jesus having compassion on the sick and befriending “sinners”, that’s God! And when we read about Jesus hanging on the cross, for our sins, that’s God! From start to finish, the whole story of Jesus reveals God. Not just because Jesus is like God, but because Jesus is God.


Living It

Discuss: How does the story of Jesus change when we realise that Jesus is God?

Decide: Do you believe that Jesus is God, and do you desire to know him more?