The Three Angels

Big Question:

What are the three angels’ messages? 



In the heart of the book of Revelation we find the three angels’ messages. It’s a complex little passage because it is full of symbolism and draws upon many other passages of Scripture. The goal of this guide is to give a big picture overview of these messages and to draw out what they mean for us practically.  

Question: What’s comes to your mind when you hear the phrase “the thee angels’ messages”?


Exploring the Scriptures

Revelation 14:6-12 | What jumps out to you after a first reading of this passage?

Acts 1:1-8 | Who do the three angels represent?

Revelation 14:14-16 (Matthew 13:37-39) | When are these messages preached?

Mark 1:1-5 | The three angels are to Jesus’ second coming what John the Baptist was to his first.


The first angel – The call of hear the good news of Jesus

Revelation 14:6-7 | The first angel’s message is the worldwide proclamation of the good news about Jesus. It invites us to respond in worship for all that Jesus has done for us!

Mark 1:1 (1 Corinthians 15:1-8) | The word Gospel means “good news”. In the Bible it refers to the story of Jesus (with an emphasis on his death and resurrection) and what it means for us.

Matthew 24:14 | The preaching of the gospel is the final sign before Jesus returns.


The second angel – The call to faithfully follow Jesus

Revelation 14:8 | The second angle’s message is a warning that not all that claims to be “Christian” is of God. It invites us to be genuine and true followers of Jesus.

Jeremiah 3:20 | What might the symbolism of adultery mean in the Bible?

Genesis 11:1-9, Daniel 1:1 | What might the symbolism of Babylon mean in the Bible?

Note: The people that founded Babylon were from the family God rescued through the flood

Revelation 18:4 | What might it mean to be called out of Babylon?


The third angel – The call to obey and trust Jesus

Revelation 14:9-12 | The third angel’s message calls the world to the obedience that comes from faith. It’s invites us to trust our lives fully to God and not to give in to fear.

Daniel 3:1-27 | The symbolism of being forced to worship an image comes from this story (compare Revelation 13:14-15). It shows how Satan can use fear to compel people to disobey God.

Revelation 14:12 | What kind of people is God calling us to be?

Note: ESV translates this as “those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus”


Romans 1:5 | What is “obedience that comes from faith” (NIV)? Illustration: Charles Blondin

Note: We are never saved by what we do, only by our faith in Jesus.


The Gift of Jesus

The gospel is the story of Jesus and what it means to us. This is the most important message for our world to hear and it is what the three angels’ messages are all about. They are a call to hear Jesus’ story, to put our trust in him, and to let him shape all that we are and all that we do. But that’s not all, that gospel isn’t just a gift for us to receive, but it’s a gift God invites us to share with others. God invites us to partner with him to bring to the world the greatest news ever!


Living It

Discuss: How might we summarise the three angels’ messages in one or two sentences?

Discuss: Why do you think these messages might be so important for the world to hear?

Discuss: What role can we play in sharing these messages?

Decide: Is it your desire to receive and to share these messages with the world?