Tips for Sharing

Big ideas

for effective Bible Studies 

  1. Believe there are people who are longing to hear about Jesus.
  2. Pray for God to connect you with one of these people.
  3. The Gospel lacks people willing to share not people willing to hear.
  4. Prayer, Friendship, Spiritual Conversation, Invitation.
  5. You only need to bring 5 loaves and 2 fish.
  6. Your first Bible study is about what your friend has to say.
  7. It’s ok to lay aside what you spent all week preparing.
  8. Tailor-make your Bible studies.
  9. Build a house of faith.
  10. Prepare before God answers your prayer.
  11. Sharing Jesus allows us to see him through new eyes.
  12. Not a sermon. Not an interrogation. it’s a conversation.
  13. Provide context, explain the passage, ask a question.
  14. Invest in your friendship outside of the Bible Study.
  15. One person interested in Bible studies can lead to more.
  16. Admitting you don’t know will build your credibility.
  17. Make every Bible study an invitation to follow Jesus.
  18. Don’t be afraid to let the Word of God speak.
  19. If you want to produce fruit you have to be connected to the vine.