
Big Question:

What mission has Jesus invited all his followers to be part of?



What does Jesus mean to you? Take a moment to think about all the wonderful blessings that you have, because of the gift of Jesus. The list is endless! Yes, these blessings have been given to you, but they have also been given to your neighbour, your co-worker, that stranger you walked past today, and the many people who live on the other side of the world that you’ve never met. Here’s the challenging reality, even though Jesus is for everyone, many are yet to discover him.

Question: Who is someone that you would love to know Jesus like you do?


Exploring the Scriptures

Luke 15:1-7; 19:10 | What do you think might be the meaning of this parable?

Matthew 28:16-20 (Revelation 14:6) | What was the mission Jesus gave his disciples and to us?

Acts 1:4-9 | Why did Jesus tell his disciples to start fulfilling this mission by waiting?

Matthew 9:35-38 | What does Jesus say is this mission’s great need?

Acts 8:1-4 | What role might “ordinary Christians” have in this mission?

Acts 18:1-3, 24-26 | What role did Paul’s “tentmaking” have in this story?

Matthew 24:14 | What happens when this mission is completed?

Matthew 6:19-21; 1 Thessalonians 2:19-20; 1 John 3:16 | Why might someone invest their lives in this mission?


The Gift of Jesus

In Hebrews 12:2 it says that Jesus, for the joy set before him, endured the cross. Think about what that means – Jesus loves us so much, that he would rather die upon a cross than miss out on spending eternity with us. That’s love! Jesus could not be more committed to his mission, and he could not be more committed to us. What a privilege now to partner with him, in his rescue mission, in bringing this good news to the world!


Living It

Discuss: What are some of the obstacles we might face when sharing the gift of Jesus with others?

Challenge: What is something practical you can do to live out Jesus’ mission this week?