
Big Question:

What can we learn about prayer from the life of Jesus?



Prayer is incredible! Just think about it. When we pray, the person who created the universe is listening to us. He’s listening, not just because he wants to help us (which he does), but because he wants to be our friend. Simply mind-boggling!

Share: What has been your experience with prayer?


Exploring the Scriptures

Mark 1:35-37; Luke 5:15-16; Luke 6:12-13 | What can we learn from the example of Jesus?

Luke 11:1-4 (Luke 12:31) | What stands out to you about the way Jesus taught his disciples to pray?

Luke 11:5-13 | A parable about being bold when we pray.

Luke 18:1-8 | A parable about not giving up when we pray.

Luke 18:9-14 | A parable about praying with humility.

Luke 22:39-46 | What can we learn from Jesus’ prayer and his disciples lack of prayer in this story?


The Gift of Jesus

One of the most important things to remember when we come to God in prayer is how much he loves us. Romans 8:31-32 reminds us that we see this in the gift of Jesus. If God loves us so much that he would do something as big as giving us Jesus, then wouldn’t he also want to help us in the little things? Yes, of course he would! What a beautiful promise to remember when we come to Jesus in prayer.


Living It

Share: What do you find to be the hardest thing about prayer?

Discuss: Should we expect God to always answers our prayers with a “yes”?

Decide: Is it your desire to spend regular time talking with God through prayer?