
Big Question:

How can I receive God’s gift of Salvation?



When Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit, they began something that they would never be able to undo by themselves. That’s why God intervened and sent us Jesus. When Jesus died upon the cross everything changed and a way was opened for us to be saved! However, how can we know for sure that this future is ours? That’s what we’ll be unpacking today.

Question: Why might it be important to have a clear understanding of how to be saved?


Exploring the Scriptures

Luke 15:11-24 | A parable about the way back home.

Step 1 – Need. Luke 18:9-14 | Realise that we need God’s help.

Step 2 – Turn. Acts 2:36-39; 3:19 | Turn away from the path of sin to Jesus.

Step 3 – Confess. 1 John 1:9 | Confess your sins, claiming the promise of forgiveness.

Step 4 – Believe. John 3:16; 1 John 5:11-13 | Believe and trust your rescuer.

Step 5 – Enjoy. John 1:12; Revelation 21:1-7 | Rejoice in the wonderful blessings of being a child of God.


The Gift of Jesus

In the parable of the rebellious son, the father waited patiently for his son to return. But Jesus does even more than this. He doesn’t just wait for us, but actively goes in search of us. Before we were even born, God already loved us so much that he had already sent us Jesus to die for us. And today, Jesus isn’t far away. We don’t need to go on a long journey to find him. Jesus has already come to us, he’s knocking on our door, just waiting to be let in (see Revelation 3:20). The choice remains with us. 


Living It

Discuss: Is there anything that is keeping you from letting Jesus into your life?

Decide: Would you like to invite Jesus into your life?

Dear God,

Thank you for being like the loving father in our story.

I recognise my need of you and invite you into my life.

Forgive me for the times I have done wrong. Change me to be more like you.

Thank you for the privilege of being your child and for the gift of eternal life.

I put my trust in you.
