Second Coming

Big Question:

What does the Bible teach about the return of Jesus?



Imagine what it would have been like to see Jesus face-to-face. When Jesus came, about two thousand years ago, people got to see, hear, and touch him in person. What an incredible experience that must have been to encounter God like that!

Question: How do you think you would respond if God were suddenly to appear to you face-to-face?


Exploring the Scriptures

John 14:1-3 | What promise did Jesus give his disciples before he died upon the cross?

Acts 1:9-11; | What promise did the angels give Jesus after they watched him ascend into heaven?

Matthew 24:1-3 | In this chapter, Jesus teaches about when his return will be. It’s interesting to note that although the disciples ask multiple questions, Jesus gives one combined answer.

Matthew 24:4-14 (Luke 21:11) | What are the “signs” that Jesus’ says will occur in the lead up to his return? How many of these signs do you see happening in our world today?

Matthew 24:8, 32-33 | What do these two metaphors teach us about the meaning of these “signs”?  

Matthew 24:36-39 | What warnings does Jesus give us in these verses?  

Matthew 24:23-27, 30-31 | What will Jesus’ return be like?

1 Thessalonians 4:16-17 | What else will happen when Jesus returns?


The Gift of Jesus

The second coming is going to be the greatest reunion that has ever taken place. Just imagine the scene! Jesus is seen in the clouds, the whole sky is filled with angels, the dead are raised back to life, families are reunited with lost loved ones, and together we meet Jesus face-to-face. This is the why God gave us the gift of Jesus – to bring us all back together!


Living It

Discuss: What are you looking forward to about the return of Jesus?

Discuss: How can we be ready for the return of Jesus? (1 John 5:11-13)

Decide: Is it your desire to say to Jesus today, “I look forward to your return, because I am trusting in you.”