The Cross

Big Question:

Why does the death of Jesus benefit us?



Question: What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when you see the symbol of the cross?

The cross is a symbol that is cherished by Christians around the world. They can be seen adorning churches, hill tops, or even around people’s necks. However, in the time of Jesus, the cross was something truly abhorrent. It was a means of execution, used by the Romans, to make a gruesome example of rebels and criminals. So why should we celebrate the cross? What good could possibly come from the torturous execution of Jesus? That’s what we’ll be unpacking in this guide. 


Exploring the Scriptures

Genesis 3:6-19 | What were the consequences of Adam and Eve eating from the forbidden tree?

(shame, separation from God, fear, broken relationships, pain, natural evil, death)

Genesis 4:8; 6:5-6 | The sin of Adam and Eve may seem to some to be small. But sin grows very quickly. Like a small flame that grows into a bushfire, or a tiny virus that grows into a pandemic, sin quickly spreads its destruction everywhere.

Matthew 1:18-21 | What was Jesus’ purpose in coming to this world?

Genesis 3:21 | What lesson did God teach by making Adam and Eve clothes out of skin?

Leviticus 4:27-31 | The lesson of the sacrifice is passed down from generation to generation.

John 1:29; 1 Peter 1:18-19 | All the sacrifices pointed towards Jesus and his death for us.

How did Jesus experience the consequences of sin when he died upon the cross? (shame, separation from God, fear, broken relationships, pain, natural evil, and death)

2 Corinthians 5:21; Isaiah 53:4-6 | Jesus switched places with us upon the cross. 

Jesus was treated as we deserve that we may be treated as he deserves. 


The Gift of Jesus

On the cross, Jesus took our place and experienced what our sins deserve (shame, separation from God, fear, broken relationships, pain, natural evil, and death), so that we don’t have to. And what’s more, Jesus offers us to take his place and to experience what his perfect life deserves (eternal life, heaven, never-ending joy, friendship with God), something we could never access ourselves. This wonderful rescue from sin is something that we don’t deserve and haven’t earned, but it’s ours because of God’s great love for us.


Living It

Discuss: What does the cross reveal about us, sin, and God?

Decide: Are you thankful that Jesus chose to die on the cross for you?